
Shinkichi Tajiri: The Restless Wanderer
Exhibition & Publication


'Shinkichi Tajiri: The Restless Wanderer', in collaboration with Bonnefanten, celebrates the centennial of our grandfather, the multidisciplinary Japanese-American artist Shinkichi Tajiri. The exhibition is the result of a two-year research into our family history and the impact of Shinkichi’s self-imposed exile on his life, work, family, and creative development. Through new material from our family archives, anecdotes, key pieces from his Warriors-, Seeds-, Machines-, and Knot-series, and works by close artist friends and sources of inspiration (a.o. Karel Appel, Isamu Noguchi, Constant), we aim to provide insight into how Shinkichi processed the separation from his homeland in his art and how he eventually found his home at Castle Scheres, the place where we spent our childhood and where three generations of Tajiri's have lived and worked.

Selected Press

NRC (★★★★)
De Volkskrant
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Aachener Zeitung
Mister Motley
Het Financieele Dagblad​​​​​​​
De Limburger

Credits Exhibition
Museum: Bonnefanten, Maastricht
Guest Curators: Tanéa & Shakuru Tajiri
Artistic Director: Stijn Huijts
Senior Curator: Paula van den Bosch
Project Leader: Madeleine van Daele
Project Assistent: Suzanne Wewers

Credits Publication

Authors: Tanéa & Shakuru Tajiri
Graphic Design: Samet Oruç
Editor: Renée Schmeetz
Translator: Allison Klein
Print: Andi Smart Print Solutions
Publisher: Bonnefanten, Maastricht
Distribution: Waanders Uitgevers b.v.

Photo Impression
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Installation view in Bonnefanten, 2023. ©Peter Cox
Photo: Egon Notermans
Photo: Egon Notermans